Who wants to win more multiple offers?

Seller’s market, multiple offers — sound familiar? We know how competitive the market is right now, and buyer demand is as strong as ever. But as much as we at Key Mortgage would love to, we can’t create more inventory. The good news is we can help you navigate the market and help your clients get their offer accepted.

The Winning Offer: Our Pledge to you

We want to use all of our resources to help you and your client submit the strongest possible offer, so we came up with five actions we can take with every buyer that gives you the best chance of being the winning offer. We pledge to:

  • Check Property Inspection Waiver eligibility (also known as an Appraisal Waiver)

  • Thoroughly review the borrower’s income, assets and credit documentation — not just rely on automated underwriting

  • Offer customized product consultation 

  • Provide a Second Look – this is a second preapproval using a soft credit pull to present with and strengthen your offer.

  • Personally contact the listing agent by phone at the time the offer is presented to instill confidence in the strength of the borrower’s offer

Ensuring your buyer is fully qualified and educated will not only provide confidence to the seller — it also gives your buyer peace of mind that they are making informed decisions and positioning themselves to secure the win. Couple that with our SecureShop preapproval letter, which makes your offer as good as cash, working with a Key Mortgage loan officer gives you and your client the best chance of having that winning offer.

Our promise to you is we at Key Mortgage will go above and beyond to educate, advise, strategize and communicate, all with the goal of helping you and your clients WIN. So if you are not working with a Key Mortgage loan officer or are not sure how to introduce your client to one,  just reach out to your managing broker and let them help you. They want you and your clients to win.
